Loss of riots trillion yen in the world

Japan accepted the refugees, to share the world with the problem

Loss of riots trillion yen in the world [Interview] Japan accepted the refugees, to share the world with the problem - listen to the Middle East journalist K's To become this time interview last round of the Middle East journalist K's, and why the refugees coming across the sea at the risk, should face how the Japanese people to the problem of what is happening in the Middle East, will be talked about directly below. Whether to accept the refugees, that although there is a discussion, from the perspective of [Japan's role in the world, what would come see? Refugees are not seeking the comfortable refugees living] Editor's note: for the refugee problem and the Islamic countries problem, I hear about something is to be able to Japan. K's: Japan is the way to take is not to help it fight against Islamic State (IS) are non-military. In order to normalize the confused society, there are a lot of things to do. For example, such as the creation Toka regional development of employment, but things like make the future of the region.

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